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Annual Maintenance Contract for the maintenance of Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning (HVAC) system of Chancery, Embassy Residence and other Residential units at Diplomatic Quarter Riyadh.

Posted on: September 19, 2024 | Back | Print


Embassy of India


Invitation for Tender

Sealed Tenders are invited under 2 (two) Envelopes from eligible Contractors for the under mentioned requirements as per terms and conditions set forth in the Tender Documents:


Tendering Authority

Embassy of India, Riyadh


Invitation Ref no & date



Procurement Method

Open Tendering Method


Source of Fund

Government of India


Tender Name

Annual Maintenance Contract for the maintenance of Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning (HVAC) system of Chancery, Embassy Residence and other Residential units at Diplomatic Quarter Riyadh.


Earnest Money Deposit/Tender Security Amount

Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) SAR 5000/- (Saudi Riyal Five thousand only) shall be submitted in the form of Banker’s cheque/Demand Draft/bank guarantee drawn in favor of The Head of Chancery, Embassy of India, Riyadh. Any bid not accompanying with Earnest Money Deposit/Tender Security Amount shall be rejected. The EMD of unsuccessful bidder will be returned within 30 days after the award of the contract. The EMD will be forfeited in case the bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity or in case of a successful bidder, the selected bidder fails to sign the agreement in time or furnish performance guarantee or furnishing of any wrong information.


Tender Submission date

Publication Date : 19.09.2024

Pre-Bid Meeting :

Last date of submission of bids : 09.10.2024 (1700 hrs)


Tender Opening Date & Time

Technical bids will be opened on 10.10.2024 at 1600 hrs Financial bids opening will be intimated later.

Authorized representatives of the bidders may attend the opening of tenders.


Eligibility of Tenders

The invitation of tender is open to all eligible firms/service agents as mentioned below:

  1. The bidder shall have requisite experience in carrying out similar services in any Govt / Semi Govt. / Autonomous Body/ Embassy/ Consulate.

  2. Tenderer must have up to date Trade License.

  3. The bidder must have VAT registration.

  4. Tenderer must submit list of current contractor's .

[Tenderer must include, as part of the tender, attested copies of documents mentioned above to establish their qualifications to

Perform the contract.]


Performance Guarantee

The successful bidder is required to submit a 10% of annual contract amount before the commencement order is given and within 10 days of signing the final agreement. The EMD of the successful bidder may be adjusted in the performance guarantee by depositing the difference in amount of performance guarantee or alternatively EMD could be refunded and a fresh performance guarantee may be issued. The guarantee shall remain valid during the tenure of contract period. The guarantee amount in full or part may be forfeited in the following cases:

  1. When the terms and conditions of the contract are breached.

  2. When the service provider fails to comply with minimum service levels agreed upon.

  3. Failure of the service provider to comply with statutory requirements shall constitute sufficient grounds for annulment of the award and forfeiture of service guarantee.


Contract period

The Contract period would initially be for a period of One Year, extendable for two more years (on yearly basis) on same rate and terms & conditions subject to satisfactory services and mutual consent.


Name and address of the office Receiving Tenders

Head of Chancery, Embassy of India, PB No. 94387, Riyadh


Name and address of the office for opening Tenders

Embassy of India, Post Box No.94387, Riyadh.


Special instructions

  1. The tenders should be submitted in two sealed covers – the first sealed cover should be superscribed “Technical Bid” and second sealed cover superscribed “Financial Bid”. Both the sealed envelopes should be placed in another larger envelope superscribed “Tender for HVAC” and addressed to “Head of Chancery, Embassy of India, P.O. Box No.94387, Riyadh.

  2. The ‘Technical Bid’ should contain

(a) The requisite information duly filled in as per proforma at Annexure -I

(b) Agency profile including previous experience in providing services to Government Departments, Embassies or Consulates.

(c) Demand Draft/ Banker’s cheque/bank guarantee for Earnest Money Deposits (bid security)

(d) All other required documents. The bidder should also clearly mention in the tender that the terms and conditions of the tender are acceptable to them.

  1. The ‘Financial Bid’ should contain rates which are to be quoted on monthly basis as proforma at Annexure-IV.

  2. The Tenderer shall submit documentary evidence in respect of their financial and technical capabilities and also of their experience in execution of similar nature of work.

  3. The tenderer can submit only one tender. A Tenderer who submits or participates in more than one tender will be disqualified.

  4. The Agency/procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the Tenders without assigning any reasons.

  1. If the Tenderer submit any false/incorrect or forged certificates, his tender will be summarily rejected and the Tender security may be forfeited.

  2. The Tenderer should be compliant with local regulations as regarding manpower supply and also with local taxation laws.

  3. Any bidder from a country which shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in this Tender only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority.

  4. If a firm quotes NIL charges/consideration, the bid shall be treated as unresponsive and will not be considered.

  5. Quotation should be valid for at least 90 days.


Scope of work

Contract for the provision of an HVAC technician with a Supervisor capable of performing the job listed in the scope of work, for a period of one year that can be extended to another two years at the same rate and conditions subject to the satisfactory performance of the service provider.

Location: Chancery building, Embassy Residence and other residential units at Diplomatic Quarter Riyadh

Scope of Work:

Duty Hours - 7.30 AM to 4.30 PM (with lunch break between 12.00 noon to 1.00 PM), 6 days a week (Friday being observed as a holiday).

    1. Provide an air conditioning technician on the site on a full-time basis.

    1. Operate, service and maintain the HVAC works and the exhaust fans installed in the Chancery, Embassy Residence and the staff residences as per details in annexure - II

    1. Attend to the HVAC works for preventive maintenance as per schedule attached at annexure – III.

    1. Make necessary control adjustments for optimum efficiency and output of the equipment.

    1. Attend to any service calls in the Chancery & Embassy Residence after office hours / night time / holidays without any extra cost.

IV. Maintenance

    1. Provide the services of their trained technicians to attend to the preventive maintenance schedule on a total labour basis.

    1. The maintenance will be attended during the normal working hours at regular intervals according to the schedule outlined in annexure - III.

    1. Provide all skilled personnel, equipment, and special measuring devices which are deemed essential for maintenance of the HVAC system.

    1. Bear all labour costs during service maintenance, repair of the air-conditioning system covered by the contract. However, costs shall be charged extra at actual for works of major nature like changing of compressor/coils etc.,

Note: Only personnel of Indian nationality or those from friendly countries, who are security vetted by the Embassy should be deployed. Embassy of India reserves the right to accept/reject any person deployed.

For any tender-related enquiry/query/clarification please contact:

Head of Chancery

mail: adm.riyadh@mea.gov.in

The tendering authority reserves the right to accept any tender not necessarily the lowest, reject any tender/all tender without assigning any reason.

Any bid received by the tendering authority after the deadline for submission of bids will be rejected and not be considered and may be returned unopened to the service provider.

