Public Advisories

Notice inviting Tender for Supply and installation of a Projector at Embassy of India Riyadh

December 09, 2024


Embassy of India


Notice inviting Tender for Supply and installation of a Projector at Embassy of India Riyadh

Sealed Tenders are invited under 2 (two) bid system from eligible and qualified vendors for under mentioned requirements as per terms and conditions set forth in the Tender Documents:


Tendering Authority

Embassy of India, Riyadh


Invitation Ref no & date

No RIY/E/885/01/2024


Procurement Method

Open Tendering Method


Source of Fund

Government of India


Tender Name

Supply of a Projector and Projector installation


Earnest Money Deposit/Tender Security Amount

SAR 3000/- (Saudi Riyal three thousand only) by way of Banker’s cheque/Bank Guarantee/Demand Draft in favour of Head of Chancery, Embassy of India, Riyadh. Any bid not accompanying with Earnest Money Deposit/Tender Security Amount shall be rejected. The EMD of unsuccessful bidder will be returned within 30 days after the award of the contract. The EMD will be forfeited in case the bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity or in case of a successful bidder, the selected bidder fails to sign the agreement in time or furnish performance guarantee or furnishing of any wrong information.


Tender Submission date

Publication Date : 09.12.2024

Pre-Bid Meeting : Nil

Last date of submission of bids : 30.12.2024 (1700 hrs)


Tender Opening Date & Time

Technical bids will be opened on 31.12.2024 at 1500 hrs .

Date of Financial bids opening will be intimated later.

Authorized representatives of the bidders may attend the opening of tenders.


Scope of Work

Scope includes supply of Projector with Lens, installation kit (with material – HDMI Cable, Connectors etc), installation, testing and configuration, and demonstration of a projector suitable for the Auditorium, as per the technical specifications in Clause 10.


Technical Specifications

The projector must meet or exceed the following specifications





Display Technology



Dura Core Laser Technology


Minimum 11,500 lumens

Suitable for well-lit rooms


WUXGA (1920*1200)

Light Source


Contrast Ratio

2,000,000:1 ( or better contrast for sharp image quality)

Aspect Ratio

16:10, 16:9 and 4:3 compatible


Lamp Life

Minimum 30,000 hours


HDMI, USB, VGA,Wireless option and other industry standard ports

Keystone Correction

Vertical and Horizontal

Power Supply

100-240V AC, 50/60 Hz


Remote control, power cable, HDMI cable, user manual, Connectors etc



BX- CTA03 Long Lens

Compatible with the Projector and requirements of the Auditorium.



Minimum 3 years on the projector and 1 year on the lamp



The invitation of tender is open to all eligible firms as mentioned below:

  1. The bidder must be a registered business entity

  2. The bidder must have requisite experience and proven expertise in supplying and configuring the audio visual equipment.

  3. The bidder must submit proof of past performance (eg. purchase orders, client testimonials)

  4. The bidder must not have been blacklisted by any government or private organization.

[Tenderer must include, as part of the tender, copies of documents mentioned above to establish their qualifications to

Perform the contract.]

Embassy of India reserves the right to ask any additional documents from the bidders to substantiate issues related to registration of the company, financial health, experience etc. in order to establish holistic credentials of the bidding company.


Bid validity

Bids must remain valid for a period of 30 days


Name and address of the office receiving and opening of Tenders

Head of Chancery, Embassy of India, Diplomatic Quarter, Riyadh



The bidder must deliver the Projector within 2 weeks from the date of purchase order


Payment terms

50% advance, 50% after installation


Special instructions

  1. Quotation should be valid for 30 days.

  2. The bids should be submitted in two sealed covers – the first sealed cover should be superscribed “Technical Bid” and the second sealed cover superscribed “Financial Bid”. Both the sealed envelopes should be placed in another larger envelope superscribed “Tender for the supply of Projector” and addressed to “Head of Chancery, Embassy of India, Diplomatic Quarter, Riyadh.

  3. The ‘Technical Bid’ should contain

(a) The requisite information duly filled in as per proforma at Annexure-I and Annexure II

(b) Duly signed Bid Security Declaration – Annexure III

(C) Vendor’s profile including previous experience in supplying audiovisual equipment

(d) The Tenderer shall submit documentary evidence in respect of their financial and technical capabilities and also of their experience in execution of similar nature of work.

(d) Demand Draft/ Banker’s cheque/bank guarantee for Earnest Money Deposits (bid security).

(iv) The ‘Financial Bid’ should contain the unit cost, taxes and total cost.

v) The bidder can submit only one bid. A bidder who submits more than one bid will be disqualified.

Vii) The Agency/procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the Tenders without assigning any reasons.

Viii) If the bidder submit any false/incorrect or forged certificates, his bid will be summarily rejected and the bid security may be forfeited.

ix) The bidder should be compliant with local regulations also with local taxation laws.

For any tender-related inquiry/query/clarification please contact:

Head of Chancery

mail: adm[dot]riyadh[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

The tendering authority reserves the right to accept any tender not necessarily the lowest, reject any tender without assigning any reasons.

Any bid received by the tendering authority after the deadline for submission of bids will be rejected and not be considered and may be returned unopened to the service provider.


Annexure I

Technical Bid


Head of Chancery Embassy of India Riyadh

Dear Sir/Madam,

I/We,______ _________________,Representative(s) of M/S ___________________ solemnly declare that:-

  1. I/We are submitting tender for supplying and installation of projector against the Tender Notice No. RIY/E/885/01/2024 dated 09/12/2024.

  1. Myself or my partners do not have any relative working in any office of Embassy of India, Riyadh.

  1. All information furnished by me/us in respect of fulfillment of eligibility criteria and other information given in this tender is complete, correct and true.

  1. All documents/credentials submitted along with this tender are genuine, authentic, true and valid.

  1. The Price–Bid submitted by me/us is “WITHOUT ANY CONDITION”.

  1. I/We have not been banned/de-listed by any Government or Quasi Government agencies or PSUs.

  1. If any information or document submitted is found to be false/incorrect, Embassy may cancel my/our Tender and can take any action as deemed fit including termination of the contract, forfeiture of all dues including Earnest Money and blacklisting of my/our firm and all partners of the firm etc.

  2. All the terms and conditions of the tender are acceptable to us.

Yours sincerely,

(Signature of Tenderer)

Seal of the firm

Annexure – II



Name and Address of the Bidder:


Year of Establishment


Trade License Number(please provide copy)


Details of Owners/Partners (Please attach passport copies)


Mobile No.




Name and Address of the Banker

Signature of the Tenderer With stamp and date

Annexure III

Bid Security Declaration


I/We accept that if I/We withdraw or modify Bids during the period of validity or if my/our bid is accepted but failed to supply the item with in 2 week period, I/We will be suspended for the period of time specified in the Tender Notice from being eligible to submit bids for contracts with Government of India.

Date: Name:

Place: Signature:

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