Securities and Exchange Board of India

Investors in Securities can seek assistance from the SEBI regional office within whose territorial jurisdiction the registered office of the concerned company is located for redressal of their grievances:

Region Territorial Jurisdiction Address of SEBI Regional Offices
North Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Chandigarh and Delhi Block No. 1
Rajendra Bhavan
Rajendra Place, Dist. Centre
New Delhi 110 008
Tel: 91-11-573 2313 or 9784
Fax 91-11-576 8992
East Assam, Bihar, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, West Bengal, Arucnachal Pradesh, Mizoram & Tripura FMC, Fortuna, 5th floor
234/3A AJC Bose Road
Calcutta 700 020
Tel: 91-33-240 2435/6105
Fax: 91-33-240 4307
South Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry 3rd floor, D’ Monte Building No.32,
D’Monte Colony
TTK Road
Chennai - 600 018
Tel: 91-44-497 1791 to 95
Fax:91-44-497 1796
West Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Goa Earnest House
14th/15th floor
194 Nariman Point
Mumbai - 400 021
Tel: 91-22-285 0441-45
or 2880944-47
Fax 91-22-287 0746
or 285 6002
SEBI head office in Mumbai    Securities and Exchange Board of India
Mittal Court, B Wing
224 Nariman Point
Mumbai 400 021
Tel: 91-22-204 5623
Fax:91-22-202 1093
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