Penalties prescribed for systems violating expatriates

Penalties for those who violate the rules & regulations of dealing with “systems-violating expatriates”


S.No. Violation Penalty
(first time)
 (second time)
(third time or more)
1 Expatriate who is working for his own account
(Free visa workers)
1-       Fine of SR10,000
2-       Deportation
1.       Fine of SR25,000
2.       One month imprisonment
3.       Deportation
1.       Fine of SR 50,000
2.       Six months imprisonment
3.       Deportation
2 Expatriate’s delay in departure following expiry of entry visa granted to him 1-       Fine of SR15,000
2-       Deportation
1-       Fine of SR25,000
2-       Three months imprisonment
3-       Deportation
1.       Fine of SR 50,000
2.       Six months imprisonment
3.       Deportation
3 Infiltrators arrested outside border 1.       Fine of SR 15,000
2.       One month imprisonment
3.       Deportation
1.       Fine of SR 25,000
2.       Three months imprisonment
3.       Deportation
1.       Fine of SR 100,000
2.       Six months imprisonment
3.       Deportation
4 One who is transporting or employing infiltrators arrested outside border, or covering-up them or sheltering them or offering any kind of assistance to them 1.       Fine of SR 25,000
2.       Six months imprisonment
3.       Deportation, if expatriate
4.       He will be named and shamed
5.       Demand for confiscation of means of land transport by judicial judgement,  if owned by transporter or one who is in collusion with him or who participates with him
1.       Fine of SR 50,000
2.       One year imprisonment
3.       Deportation, if expatriate
4.       He will be named and shamed
5.       Demand for confiscation of means of land transport by judicial judgement if owned by transporter or one who is in collusion with him or who participates with him
1.       Fine of SR 100,000
2.       Two years imprisonment
3.       Deportation, if expatriate
4.       He will be named and shamed
5.       Demand for confiscation of means of land transport by judicial judgement if owned by transporter or one who is in collusion with him or who participates with him
5 Any individual who is transporting or employing any violators of the systems & rules, or covering up them or sheltering them or offering any kind of assistance to them 1.        Fine of SR 15,000
2.       Deportation, if expatriate
1.       Fine of SR 30,000
2.       Deportation, if expatriate
3.       3 months imprisonment
1.       Fine of SR 100,000
2.       Deportation, if expatriate
3.       6 months imprisonment
6 Any individual employer who enables his workers to work for others or for their own account (Free visa workers) 1.       Fine of SR 15,000
2.       Deportation, if expatriate
3.       One year recruitment ban
1.       Fine of SR 30,000
2.       Deportation, if expatriate
3.       3 months imprisonment
4.       Two years of recruitment ban
1.       Fine of SR 100,000
2.       Deportation, if expatriate
3.       6 months imprisonment
4.       Five years of recruitment ban
7 Any recruiting person who delays in informing about departure of those recruited by him in due time of expiry of entry visa 1.       Fine of SR 15,000
2.       Deportation, if expatriate
1.       Fine of SR 25,000
2.       3 months imprisonment
3.       Deportation, if expatriate
1.       Fine of SR 50,000
2.       6 months imprisonment
3.       Deportation, if expatriate
8 Hajis & Umrah performers’  Services Companies & Establishments, which delay in informing the competent authorities about delay of any Haji or Umrah performer in departure after expiry of the specified period of their stay.
1.       Fine of SR 25,000 1.       Fine of SR 50,000 1.       Fine of SR 100,000
9 Establishments, which are employing infiltrators 1.       Fine of SR 50,000
2.       One year recruitment ban
3.       Imprisonment of responsible manager for 6 months with deportation, if expatriate
1.       Fine of SR 75,000
2.       2 years of recruitment  ban+ he will be named and shamed
3.       Imprisonment of responsible manager for one year, with deportation, if expatriate
1.       Fine of SR 100,000
2.       5 years of recruitment ban+he will be named and shamed
3.       Imprisonment of responsible manager for two years, with deportation, if expatriate
10 Establishments employing expatriates who are violators of systems & rules or leaving their workerAs to work for their own account or for others, or those who are employing the workers of others 1.       Fine of SR 25,000
2.       One year of recruitment ban
3.       Deportation of responsible manager, if expatriate
1.       Fine of SR 50,000
2.       Two years of recruitment ban+ he will be named and shamed
3.       Imprisonment  of responsible manager for six months with deportation, if expatriate
1.       Fine of SR 100,000
2.       Five years of recruitment ban+ he will be named and shamed
3.       Imprisonment  of responsible manager for one year with deportation, if expatriate
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