Passport Services (Yemen)


General Information about Passport:

  1. Hand written applications are no longer accepted. Only online filled application is accepted and the link is Select Saudi Arabia from the list of countries and then register to apply for Passport and Misc. passport services.
  2. Only the residents in Yemen falling under the jurisdiction of the Embassy of India, Riyadh are eligible to apply online through this website. This service is not rendered to Indian nationals who are on visit visa or business visa. The applicants need to have valid work permit or resident permit of Yemen.
  3. Please go through the guidelines for the various categories of Passport, photograph specifications, requisite documents required for making a Passport application and the fee structure for each type of passport prior to preparing the application for submission. All applicants should submit the application in person for identification (including minors and new born babies).
  4. The Passport service asked for should be in the prescribed form and complete in all respects. No column should be left blank or vaguely filled with a dash, tick, etc. All signatures in the application should be using black ballpoint pen. Those who cannot affix their signatures like infants, minors or illiterate should put their thumb impression in the place of signature.
  5. Photographs should be in color, against a white background in dark color clothes in the size 51 mm X 51 mm. The photograph should have a frontal view, with both ears and chin to forehead being visible. Eyes should be open. There should not be any distracting shadows on the face or on the background. Head coverings are not permitted except for religious reasons, but the facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of the face must be clearly shown. The expression on the face should look natural. Photographs should not be older than 6 months. Applicant with white hair should have photos with blue background. For details please see photo specifications for passport, OCI, Visa at:
  6. Indians holding handwritten passports must apply for Machine Readable Passports as hand written passports will not be honored on international travel from November, 2015.
  7. An ordinary passport is valid for 10 years from the date of issue. Minors are issued passport for 5 years or up to attaining 18 years, whichever is earlier.
  8. It is an offense under the Passport Act, 1967 to give false information in the Application. Passport facilities can be denied on grounds of suppression of factual information, submission of false particulars, willful damage of passport and for making unauthorized changes in the passports.
  9. It is a punishable offence to hold more than one valid passport at a time.
  10. All applicants are advised to renew their passport up to 1 year before the Expiry Date of their existing passport. Do not wait till the last moment for this exercise.
  11. Passport is a valuable document. It should always be kept either in your own custody or in the custody of a person duly authorized by you. If passport is lost or destroyed, the fact and circumstances should be reported immediately to the nearest Indian Mission and the local police.
  12.  The Indian Constitution does not provide for Dual citizenship and accordingly, it is illegal for a person to possess a valid Indian Passport once he/she has acquired citizenship of another country.
  13. If you have acquired foreign citizenship, please surrender the Indian passport to the Embassy of India. The Indian passport is returned to applicant after cancellation and a Surrender Certificate will be issued. The cancelled Indian passport and Surrender Certificate should be kept in safe custody with you as it may be required at the time of applying for the OCI Card.
  14. The information given in these pages are general guidelines only. The Embassy has the right to ask for any other original document at any stage and these documents are required to be presented for scrutiny and satisfaction of the Embassy before rendering any service.

How to apply for Passport services:

  1. All passport applications need to be filled up online at After filling in the details and successful acceptance of the application online, an application form is generated that can be printed by the applicant. This printed copy becomes the application form.

  2. Please sign the form strictly within the box provided for signature. In case of infants or minor who cannot sign or illiterate, kindly affix his/her thumb impression at the appropriate places as mentioned above. Thumb impression should be of left hand in case of males and right hand in case of females.

  3. In case of minor applicants, Parents should not sign inside any of the boxes. Parents should fill the item 28 and then sign at the designated places.

  4. Two photographs of size 2 inch by 2 inch with white background (preferably in contrast dress) are required. Paste one photograph in the square box provided for this purpose on the first page. Attach the other photograph with the application. Photographs should not be signed or stapled or marked in any way, as it is required to be scanned and printed on the passport.

  5. The photograph should have a frontal view, with both ears and chin to forehead being visible. Eyes should be open. There should not be any distracting shadows on the face or on the background. Head coverings are not permitted except for religious reasons, but the facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both the edges of the face must be clearlyshown. The expression on the face should look natural. Black and white photographs, photographs with colored or dark glasses, dark background or in uniform, Polaroid prints, glossy photographs or computer prints will not be accepted. Photographs that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected and may cause a delay in processing the applications. For more details please follow the “photo specifications” mentioned under “consular services” on our website.

  1. Please fill the columns 7 onwards by hand in capital letters with blue/black pen. No columns should be left blank. If any of the columns is not relevant to you please indicate NA but should not be left blank.

  2. Please attach the requisite self-attested documents and submit the form physically in the Consular Office of the Embassy of India, Riyadh (address: Off Hadda Street, P.O.Box 1154, Sana’a Yemen) on any working day between 09:30 to 12:30 hrs.


1. Renewal of Passport on Expiry or Exhaustion of pages:

An application for renewal of passport can be made within one year from date of expiry of the old passport or on exhaustion of pages. Signature in the application form should match with the signature in the old passport. Following self attested documents are required if there is no change in the new passport. (If there are any changes in the passport particulars then documents in support of the required changes need to be submitted.)

    1. Online application form complete in all respect.

    2. Original Passport and copy of the passport (first two pages, last two pages and pages containing any endorsement/observation)

    3. Resident and Work Permit, original and copy.

    4. Personal Particular form (Form 3) if passport is issued outside India.

    5. Requisite fee.

  1. Lost and Damaged Passport:

In case of lost passport, please inform the near police station and obtain a copy of the FIR. Also inform the Mission without delay. A duplicate passport may not be issued for the second loss/damage of passport unless the circumstances are adequately explained. Habitual losers of passports will be denied further passport facilities. Following self-attested documents are required:

    1. Online application form complete in all respect.

    2. Applicant’s Original damaged Passport and its copy (first two pages, last two pages and pages containing any endorsement/observation); or Copy of lost passport (in case of lost passport)

    3. Resident Permit, original and copy.

    4. Personal Particular form.

    5. Original FIR copy for lost passport.

    6. Affidavit to be filled and signed by the applicant explaining the circumstances of loss/damage of the passport.

    7. Letter from employer/sponsor/organization confirming employment.

    8. Requisite fee.

  1. Fresh passport to a New Born Baby:

Application is to be submitted personally by both the parents. Applications need to be filled up online at Following documents duly attested by either parent are required:

    1. Online birth registration form complete in all respect. (Please see sub-menu ‘Online Birth Registration of children for Indian citizenship’ under ‘Consular Services’ menu for more details).

    2. Online application form complete in all respect.

    3. Birth Certificate of new born baby (Issued by Embassy if born outside of India) both original and copy.

    4. Original passport of both the parents and copies thereof (first two pages, last two pages and pages containing any endorsement/observation).

    5. Resident Permit, original and copy of both parents.

    6. Marriage Certificate original and copy.

    7. Requisite fee.

  1. Reissue of passport to a Minor up to 18 years of age:

It is compulsory to have a separate passport for a minor as the procedure of endorsing names of minor children in their parent’s passports has now been discontinued with. A minor in this case refers to a child who is less than 18 years of age and the passport for the child will be valid for five years only from the date of issue or till 18 years of age, whichever is less. Either of the parents or guardian has to submit the application with the all the self-attested documents given below:

    1. Online application form complete in all respect.

    2. Original passport of minor child and its copy (first two pages, last two pages and pages containing any endorsement/observation).

    3. Original passport of both the parents and copies thereof (first two pages, last two pages and pages containing any endorsement/observation).

    4. Resident Permit, original and copy of both parents and minor child.

    5. Requisite fees.

  1. In case of any change in passport particulars: In case of any change in the particulars in laminated pages of the passport, a fresh booklet is required to be issued.

  1. Change of address: If address in the new passport needs to be changed, then please provide proof of address in India (both original and self-attested copy). It could be Election ID card, Electricity/Water/Gas/landline or post paid mobile Phone Bill, Driving License, Aadhaar Card, Registered rental agreement, etc. In case of minor, Parent’s passport and parent’s address proof.

  2. Change of name after marriage (for woman applicant):

    1. Marriage certificate issued by the Registrar of Marriage and one self-attested photocopy; or A joint photo affidavit signed by both husband and wife in presence of Consular Officer

    2. Copy of husband’s passport (front and last page)

    3. Affidavit for change of name after marriage in presence of Consular .

  1. Minor correction of name in passport: Spelling correction/change of spelling which phonetically does not result in change in name or shifting of words/changing arrangements of various parts of existing name without inserting/deleting any words/letters in the existing name are categorized at minor correction in name.

    1. The most recent name as shown in at least a couple of personal documents, educational certificates etc. issued by Government authorities to be submitted.

    2. Affidavit for minor name change in presence of Consular Officer

  1. Complete name change in passport:

For complete/substantial name change an applicant should furnish:

    1. Prescribed Deed Poll/Sworn Affidavit in presence of Consular Officer

    2. Original newspapers announcing the change of name published in two leading daily newspapers (one popular daily newspaper in Yemen and another at his permanent address in India) OR name change by Gazette notification published in the Indian Union/State Official Gazette especially in cases of complete name change abroad.

  1. Change from ECR to ENCR: To change the status from ECNR to ECR following documents needs to be submitted: Matriculation certificates or higher degrees or professional degrees OR Proof showing the applicant or applicant’s spouse is staying abroad for more than 3 years (original and self-attested copy).

  1. Inclusion of spouse name in new passport: If married and Name of Spouse is not yet included in previous passport and you wish to include spouse name in new passport then please provide

(i) original marriage certificate with self-attested photocopy (ii) copy of passport of spouse.

  1. Change of signature in new passport: If applicant wish to change their signature or from thumb impression to signature the please provide affidavit in the Form 17.

Information on Services required by Indian Passport Holders Birth Registration

For this office to issue any type of travel document to a child born within the jurisdiction of this Mission, the child’s birth first needs to be registered with this Mission.

When either both parents or one parent of a newborn child born in Yemen, are Indian nationals, the child’s birth can be registered at this Embassy within one year of child’s Birth. Application for Birth Registration to be made under Section 5(1) (d) of the Citizenship Act, 1955. Link for birth Registration is:

Documents required: Completed Birth Registration Form + Birth certificate (Original) if BC in Arabic then translation with attested by Ministry of Yemen + both Parent(s) passports (original

+ copy) + Parents’ marriage Certificate (original + copy) + 4 color photos of the child (of size 51 mm x 51 mm with White color background).

    1. If the child is more than one year old at the time of registration/application, in addition to the above documents, an affidavit from both parents, stating the reasons for delay in registration and a declaration that the parents have not applied for citizenship or passport of any other country for their child, is required to be submitted. In such cases, processing of the application for registration will take longer duration. Application for Birth Registration to be made under Section 4(1) of the Citizenship Act, 1955. Link for birth Registration is:

    2. ISSUE OF NEW PASSPORT (for infants)

Application for a new passport for an infant can be made along with the application for registration of birth. However, the application for issue of Passport will be processed after completion of formalities for registration of birth.

    1. PASSPORT RENEWAL (when existing passport is expiring or has expired / pages have been exhausted)

Indian nationals can apply for reissue of their passports one year before the expiry of existing passport or when its pages are about to be exhausted.

Documents required:

Completed Online Passport Application Form + Passport in original with photocopy of personal particulars pages + Original Residence Permit with photocopy(if resident in Yemen) + 4 color photos of 51 mm x 51 mm with White color background+ Passports in original of parents with photocopy (in case of a minor child)+ Residence Permit / of the parents (in case of a minor child).

Please note that certain other documents may also be required which can be ascertained only when the applicant comes in person along with all the original documents.

The standard Indian passport booklet contains 36 pages. One may also apply for a ‘Jumbo’ booklet which contains 64 pages.

The normal validity of a passport for applicants who have attained 15 years of age on the date of application will be 10 years; otherwise it will be 5 years. If the passport has expired more than one year before the time of application for renewal of passport, an additional Sworn Affidavit stating that the applicant has not acquired any other nationality has to be furnished. If the pages of the existing passport have been exhausted, a new passport is issued with a fresh 10 or 5 years validity as the case may be. The documents required remain the same.

    1. ISSUE OF PASSPORT (when existing passport has been damaged, lost or stolen)

An Indian national whose passport is lost, damaged or stolen within the boundaries of Yemen can apply for issue of passport in lieu of their lost/damaged/stolen passport at this Embassy. In cases where the passport of an individual is lost/stolen/damaged, a regular passport shall be issued only to those individuals who hold a valid Residence Permit/Work Permit in Yemen. In all other cases, the type of passport/travel document to be issued and its validity shall be decided on a case-to-case basis.

Documents required:

Completed Online Passport Application Form + Copy of lost/damaged/stolen passport + Police Report for Lost Passport (original + photocopy) + Affidavit for Lost Passport + Residence Permit if resident in Yemen + Passports in original of parents with photocopy (in case of a minor child)

+ Residence Permit of the parents (in case of a minor child) + Written statement from applicants explaining the circumstances in which the passport was lost + 4 color photos of 51 mm x 51 mm with white color background

Please note that certain other documents may also be required which can be ascertained only when the applicant comes in person along with all the original documents.


Applicant who wishes to change his/her name mentioned in the passport can apply for issue of a new passport with new name. They will be required to submit the following documents with the application for change of name, depending on the circumstances, as given below:

      1. For complete/substantial name change: an applicant should furnish:

        1. Prescribed Deed Poll/Sworn affidavit;

        2. Original Newspapers cuttings announcing the change of name published in two leading daily newspapers (one popular daily newspaper in the area of the applicant’s present address and another at his/her permanent address).

        3. Name change by Gazette notification published in the Indian Union/State Official Gazette in cases of complete name change abroad.

      2. Consequent to Marriage, Divorce or Remarriage: A woman applying for the first time in her married name or for a change or name/surname in existing passport after marriage, must furnish:

        1. Attested copy of marriage certificate issued by the Registrar of Marriages; or

        2. A notarized joint photo affidavit signed by both husband and wife

        3. Photocopy of the husband’s passport, if any;

        4. Sworn Affidavit regarding change of name.

      3. Divorcees/Widow(er): Divorcees/Widow(er) applying for change of name must furnish:

        1. Certified copy of Divorce Decree/Court Order; or Divorce Certificate from Jama-at/Kazi etc., in accordance with Personal Law of Muslims.

        2. Death Certificate (in case of expired spouse), and

        3. Sworn affidavit regarding change of name.

      4. Remarried Applicants applying for change of Name/Spouse’s Name must furnish:

        1. Certified copy of Divorce Decree/Court Order; or Divorce Certificate from Jama-at/Qazietc, in accordance with Personal Law of Muslims.

        2. Death Certificate (in case of expired spouse), and

        3. Deed Poll/Sworn affidavit regarding change of name. An Indian national can apply for reissue of his/her passport if there is any change in his/her their name.

Documents required: Completed Online Passport Application Form + Passport in original with photocopy of personal particulars pages + Original Residence Permit with photocopy(if resident in Yemen) + 4 color photos of 51 mm x 51 mm with light color background+ Passports in original of parents with photocopy (in case of a minor child)+ Residence Permit of the parents (in case of a minor child).

Please note that certain other documents may also be required which can be ascertained only when the applicant comes in person along with all the original documents.


For change in address, the applicant should produce at least two of the following documents (containing the new address) to substantiate the claim for change in address: Driving License, Voter Id, Aadhar Card, Bank Passbook, Electricity/Telephone Bill, Land Registry documents showing the ownership of the new house/plot etc.


Indian nationals who voluntarily acquire foreign citizenship cease to be Indian citizens. They are required to surrender their Indian passports within three months of acquiring the citizenship of another country. The following documents are required: Filled-in Miscellaneous Services Form + Application form for Renunciation of right to Indian citizenship + Indian passport (Original + Copy) + Current passport (Original + Copy) + Citizenship Certificate, if new citizenship acquired by Naturalization (Original + Copy) + Birth Certificate, if citizenship acquired by birth (Original + Copy) + 4 colour photos (51 mm x 51 mm).

Please note that certain other documents may also be required which can be ascertained only when the applicant comes in person along with all the original documents.

H. Bachelorhood/Single-Status Certificate/No Impediment Certificate

A Certificate of Bachelorhood/ Single-Status can be issued by the area Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) or District Magistrate or Court authorities (The area is to be determined as per the address mentioned in the applicant's passport). This certificate is required to be counter-attested by the Home Department of the State concerned. Thereafter, it is attested by the Attestation Section of the Consular, Passport & Visa (CPV) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi. (For details regarding attestation of documents, please log on to ). In case, for some reason, the applicant is unable to apply for this certificate personally, he can authorize an attorney to get the work done on his behalf, if this is acceptable to the concerned authorities in the State concerned. (Kindly note that issuance of this kind of certificate falls within the jurisdiction of the authorities of the concerned State Government/ Union Territory of India. Only the counter-attestation of the certificate is done by the Ministry of External Affairs.)

Caution: You are advised not to approach middle-men or agents for bachelorhood/ single- status certificates, as there is every possibility that you might get a fake/forged certificate which may be rejected by the concerned Indian Embassy/Consulate abroad.

Public Advisory on Passports

  1. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has phased out all non-Machine Readable Passports (MRPs) from 25th November 2015 onwards. Foreign Governments may deny visa or entry to any person travelling with non-MRP passport. All handwritten passports with pasted photos or 20 year validity passports, earlier issued by Government of India are considered non-MRP passports. The Government started issuing MRP passports since 2001. All new Indian passports are ICAO-compliant MRP passports. All Indian citizens who are holding non-MRP passports are advised to apply for re-issue of passports and obtain MRP passports to avoid any inconvenience in obtaining foreign visa or immigration problem.

  2. Indian citizens travelling on passports which may expire in less than six months should renew their passports before any upcoming international travel. Many countries deny visas or not allow entering their countries if passport validity is less than six months.

  3. Some countries do not accept passports which may have fewer than two pages remaining. Please check your passport to ensure that you have enough visa pages. There is no provision of additional booklets/pages now. You are required to apply for re-issue of passport every time your passport pages exhausted.

  4. Your passport is a valuable document. It should always be either in your own custody or in the custody of a person duly authorized by you. Passports should not be sent out of the country of residence by post.

Note :-

Applications for issue of passport (new passport, renewal of passport, duplicate passport and change of name in passport) and Birth Registration Certificate are to be made online. Hard copies of all filled in applications are to be submitted along with relevant documents and photographs at the Embassy.

Applications for Emergency Certificate, Attestation of documents/Power of Attorney, Affidavits, Police Clearance Certificate, and Renunciation of Indian Citizenship are to be submitted in hard copy at the Embassy along with relevant documents and photographs


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