Online Indian Citizenship

How To Apply online Registration of Indian Citizenship under Section 4(1)

In order to make the above procedure simpler, faster and transparent, the foreigners Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs has made it mandatory for filing of on-line application for grant of Indian Citizenship.

Online application process:

Eachonline application for one person only

  1. To be filled in BLOCK/CAPITAL letters
  2. Exact details to be furnished viz name, address DOB etc.
  3. Verify details before submitting
  4. Once submitted, no modifications allowed
  5. MHA file Number so generated should be carefully preserved
  6. Take a print out of online registration form
  7. Affix a recent photograph 35x35mm. on the form
  8. Form should be accompanied by
  • Copy of the birth certificate of the child
  • Copies of Indian Passports of both parents
  • Copy of the marriage certificate of the parents
  • A declaration that the minor child does not hold the passport of any other country

Submit all the documents at the Embassy

Clickhere to apply Online

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