Drugs materials, Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances prohibited in Saudi Arabia

Ummul Qura News Paper, Friday, Rajabb 1437 corresponding to 08/04/2016

Resolutions and systems

General rulings on the attached tables related combating the drugs and psychotropic substances.

1. Drug materials/ Narcotic drugs

First: The first table is containing the drugs items that are distributed into five following groups:

  • Group (A): This group includes the drug materials mentioned in the first contract of United Nations for the year of 1961.
  • Group (B): This group includes the drug materials mentioned in the second contract of United Nations for the year of 1961.
  • Group (C): This group includes the drug materials mentioned in the third contract of United Nations for the year of 1961.
  • Group (D): This group includes the drug materials mentioned in the fourth contract of United Nations for the year of 1961.
  • Group (E): This group includes the drug materials locally monitored in the Kingdom.

Second: Groups (A,B,C, D) in the above said first table are known as yellow list which are issued from the International Organization for monitoring the drugs .

Third: Group (D) of the first table is prohibited to be imported, exported, produced, manufactured ,used, traded, distributed, prescribed or possessed in any form whatsoever. However, they may be used for medical and scientific researches only after approval of Saudi Food and Drug Authority.

Fourth: Pharmaceutics: which are not subjected to rule of drug control and psychotropic substances, one of the ingredients of which is 8 mg codeine or less, in form of tablets or capsules only. These medicines may be released though medical prescription only. Provisions mentioned in the rule of drug control and psychotropic substances will not be applicable to them. However, provisions mentioned in the ruling of enterprises, pharmaceutics and executive regulations will be applicable to them.

2. Psychotropic substances:

First: The second table is containing the Psychotropic substances that is distributed into five following groups:

  • Group (A): This group includes Psychotropic substances mentioned in the first contract of United Nations for the year of 1971.
  • Group (B): This group includes the Psychotropic substances mentioned in the second contract of United Nations for the year of 1971.
  • Group (C): This group includes the Psychotropic substances mentioned in the third contract of United Nations for the year of 1971.
  • Group (D): This group includes the Psychotropic substances mentioned in the fourth contract of United Nations for the year of 1971.
  • Group (E): This group includes the Psychotropic substances locally monitored in the Kingdom.

Second: Groups ( A,B,C, D) in the above said second table are known as yellow list which are issued from the International Organization for monitoring the drugs.

Third: Group (A) of the second table is prohibited to be imported, exported, produced, manufactured  used, traded, distributed, prescribed or  possessed in any form whatsoever. Its use is confined only on medical scientific researches or after getting approval from the medicine sector of Saudi Food and Drug Authority.

FourthThe following psychotropic substances:

  1. Fenetylline
  2. Methaqualone
  3. Secobarbital

Which have been mentioned in the group (B) are prohibited to be imported, exported, produced, manufactured  used, traded, distributed, prescribe d possessed in any form whatsoever. Its use is confined only on medical scientific researches or after getting approval from the medicine sector of General Authority for food and drugs.

Fifth: The following: psychotropic substances:

  1. Ephedrine
  2. Ethanol
  3. Norephedrine

If medicines are in form of pharmaceutic for treatment purpose, are subject to monitoring and the provisions mentioned in the rule of drug control and psychotropic substances, are applicable to them. However, pharmaceutics, one of the ingredients of which is from these items, are not subject to monitoring and the provisions mentioned in the rule of drug control and psychotropic substances, however, the rule of enterprises and pharmaceutics will be applicable, otherwise, the provisions mentioned in the rule of import of chemical items vide resolution of the council of ministers No. 143 dated 14/06/1437 (H) (23/03/2016) approved by royal decree No. (Meem/38) dated 16/06/1437 (H) (25/03/2016).

Sixth: Pharmaceuticals: which contain narcotic and Psychotropic substances are treated as narcotics.

Seventh: The treatment of standard materials which contain narcotics materials or psychotropic substances would be made in accordance with what they contain.

Eighth:  Detectors of narcotics materials and psychotropic substances are not subject to the monitoring. Also provisions mentioned in the rule of drug control and psychotropic substances are not applicable. Detectors will be treated as normal and may be released through the department of medical equipment and products of Saudi Food and Drug Authority.

Chemical Precursors: The third group contain the chemical precursors and has been distributed into the following 3 groups:

  • Group (A): this contains the chemical precursors mentioned in the first table of the contract of the United nation for the year of 1988.
  • Group (B): this contains the chemical precursors mentioned in the Second table of the contract of the United nation for the year of 1988.
  • Group (C): this contains the chemical precursors being monitored locally in the Kingdom;

3. Seeds and plants

The fourth table contains the seeds and plants prohibited in any form any form whatsoever.

The first table ( Narcotics materials

Group (A) these are the narcotics material or drugs mentioned in the first table of the contract for the year of 1961

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