Conversion of PIO cards to OCI cards

Conversion of PIO cards to OCI cards

Last date of conversion of PIO cards to OCI cards on gratis basis has ended on 31st December 2017.  PIO cardholders will be required to pay the fee of SAR 375 + SAR 12 (ICWF fee) for conversion of PIO Card to OCI card after 31st December 2017.  Bureau of Immigration in India will accept PIO Cards as valid document till March 31, 2019 along with valid foreign passport.  If in the meantime, any deadline is notified by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), thereby making handwritten PIO Cards invalid, then PIO Card holders may have to obtain appropriate visa , if they have not converted their PIO Card to OCI Card.   All the PIO card holders are advised to convert their PIO cards into OCI cards at the earliest. 

For applying for conversion, please visit website:

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